With so much publicity in the media about Lyme Disease, you may be wondering if you or someone you know may have it.  Lyme Disease has been linked to many modern health problems such as Autism,M.E./Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, mental health problems including eating disorders, and neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Motor Neurone Disease and M.S.

Symptoms such as fatigue, aches and pains (fibromyalgia), headaches, hot sweats, reduced tolerance to stress or the feeling that you are getting a cold that never comes out could be signs of chronic infection.

Chronic infections affect nearly everyone today.  Whether you have a viral infection (Herpes causing cold sores, for example) or Strep (causing mental health issues like OCD and anxiety), the real problem is not the infection, but a damaged immune system or Biome.

The Biome is the collective name for our immune system and the microbes that live on our skin and in our body. The biome has been under attack from the industrialised diet, heavy metals, organophosphates and other chemicals and also antibiotics and vaccines.  Microbes which should be our friends can turn nasty when under attack, and as we accumulate environmental toxins our body can become a breeding ground for pathogens.

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Client Testimonial

“I have been unwell for some time and had previously tried other treatments such as Chinese herbs, detoxification, Bio Resonance, nutrition and even consulted top specialists and tried the allopathic approach – without any noticeable improvement. I didn’t know which way to turn for help.  In spite of having spent lots of money on specialised lab reports, my health continued to deteriorate until it eventually started to interfere with my ability to work and lead a normal life.

I started on a treatment programme with Eve towards the end of 2014. I have been feeling much better and am now able to work more and am gradually introducing exercise back into my life – which as a personal fitness trainer is extremely important to me. My sensitivity to foods, alcohol and EMF’s has also reduced. Although I tested positive to several chronic infections, my immune system is becoming stronger and I will be retesting in December”.  Craig Maddocks