What are the effects of Radiation on the Body?


In these blogs, I am sharing what I have learned, as a practitioner and health researcher, about the causes of modern health problems, and how to recover from them.  This has led me to the effects of EMFs on health, and to the inevitable conclusion that background electrical smog, and the more recently introduced and ubiquitous wi-fi technologies, may not only prevent healing by blocking normal repair mechanisms, but may be causative.


In the 1990s, supplements and moderate dietary changes were often all that was needed to restore health.  But today, many of the chronically ill cannot even tolerate supplements and I have long suspected it may be harder for homeopathic remedies (which themselves are energy information in the form of frequencies) to compete against the stronger frequencies of EMFs and dirty electricity.  We are all affected by EMFs but to varying degrees, depending on our exposure, the strength of our immune systems and our detox capacity.


The chronically ill share many common symptoms: cellular dehydration, loss of electrical polarity, sluggish mitochondrial function and scrambled cellular communication, making it impossible for the body to heal.  In this series of blogs, I will explain how these symptoms may be linked to radiation.


First let’s look at acute radiation poisoning. Symptoms include extreme fatigue, headaches, nausea, vomiting, confusion, skin rashes, diarrhoea and bleeding.


Electromagnetic radiation has become a major source of pollution over the last few years and has an accumulative effect, but no one knows their tipping point.


In high doses, radiation kills outright. But what about chronic radiation?  Could modern health problems simply be forms of chronic radiation sickness?  Radiology departments in hospitals are housed in concrete bunkers, radiologists are protected by lead shields, there are strict safety guidelines for radar operators and radioactive waste has to be carefully disposed of.


So, why are we encouraged to walk around with our own radiation generators in the form of mobile phones?  Why do we have cordless phones and wireless routers in our homes pumping out levels of electromagnetic radiation comparable to those of a mast?  Is the same logic applied to wi-fi as to mercury in amalgam fillings, which miraculously becomes non-toxic only whilst in the mouth and turns into a biohazzard when removed?!


Our bodies are coherent electrical systems reliant on bioelectrical signals for metabolic processes. EMFs and radio waves swamp our brain’s electrical signals which direct hormone production, growth, metabolism and repair.  We operate on subtle signals from the natural environment, giving us cues that regulate our sleep-wake cycle, hormone levels and metabolism.  EMFscan trap us in a permanent state of over-stimulation which accelerates ageing, and keeps us awake at night, and anxious during the day.


I can remember a time when people didn’t look haggard. Many young people today seem to lack vitality with fatigue, brain fog, poor immunity, chronic infections, allergies, hormonal imbalances, mental health problems, insomnia and headaches.  Autoimmune diseases have now reached epidemic proportions. Over the last hundred years, there has been more than a 350% increase in degenerative diseases with the biggest increase in Alzheimer’s.


EMFs create a smog which clogs the body’s energy matrix locking in heavy metals and toxins and, according to Dr Klinghardt, providing a necessary growth factor for Lyme spirochetes. Communication between the body and brain via the autonomic nervous system becomes scrambled and meridians imbalanced.  Cellular detox mechanisms are switched off resulting in the accumulation of heavy metals which themselves increase sensitivity to EMFs as they act as antennae, amplifying the signals.


Radiation places the body under stress just to keep going, but this takes a lot of energy. Almost everyone with chronic health problems has anaemia and inflammation. Initially, lack of energy can be compensated for by increased adrenal output as stress hormones are substituted for energy, but in time this can result in adrenal exhaustion[1].


Other symptoms may include sweet cravings to provide quick energy for the cells. A chocolate craving may be linked to an inability to keep magnesium in the cells (due to loss of polarisation) and the accumulation of copper.


Sadly, a familiar picture today. Hair testing has shown that even babies can be born with adrenal burn-out, which was unheard of twenty years ago.


If you want to know more, please look out for my next blog which looks specifically at the effects of EMFs on our electrical systems.


For more information about how to protect yourself please see






[1] Chronic hyperstimulation by the pituitary also contributes to adrenal exhaustion.