I am a great fan of superfoods, especially ones that taste delicious and  have powerful healing properties. The continuing discoveries of antioxidants, phytonutrients and polyphenols (which may be more important than vitamins and minerals) means that eating a wholefood is preferable to taking a supplement.   Chaga mushroom stands above other medicinal mushrooms in its ability to boost immunity and fight and prevent cancer.

Chaga contains medicinal compounds that have adaptogenic (balancing) qualities that can help with:






liver support

It is densely packed with antioxidants and its cancer fighting properties are thought to be due to high levels of beta glucans and melanin. Melanin is a DNA protective antioxidant which helps protect against EMFs.  Chaga’s phytonutrients have anti-inflammatory and cell regulatory effects. In addition, chaga contains the anticancer compounds betulin, betulinic acid, lupeol and triterpenes, making it an essential adjunctive to any anticancer protocol. For more information about chaga I recommend David Wolfe’s excellent book Chaga, King of Medicinal Mushrooms.

The great thing about chaga is its versatility.  You can drink it is a tea, take a tincture or use the powder in deserts and smoothies. Dried, wild chaga powder seems to help with digestive symptoms.  I add it to smoothies, and would like to share my latest smoothie recipe which keeps to the optimal ratios of protein 30%, veggie carbs 40% and healthy fats from almond milk and avocado (optional). You could use coconut cream as well as or in place of the almond milk.


Eve’s Super Smoothie


2 cups Kale (red Russian is my favourite)

1 cup sprouted Sunflower Greens

2 cups Purple Sprouting Broccoli

1 ½ cups Almond Milk

Optional: ½ Avocado

1 scoop Goat/Sheep Whey Protein

1 scoop Pulsin Hemp Protein Powder (or rice/pea)

2 cups frozen berry fruits

Optional: 1tsp Nordic Naturals Cod Liver Oil

1tsp Maqui powder

1 tbs Chaga mushroom powder

Optional: 2 raw egg yokes

Optional: 1 dsp Sunflower Lecithin

Optional: ½ tsp Cherry Active


Whisk all ingredients in a high speed blender.