Alzheimer’s disease has increased by 663% in American women over the last 20 years. The rates of autism (childhood Alzheimer’s) is doubling every five years. This cannot be explained by genetics. Neurological diseases are diseases of civilization, linked to toxicity, including heavy metals, organophosphates – which are neurotoxins and are sprayed on our crops – and electromagnetic radiation from mobiles, wi fi etc.

Toxins are a breeding ground for infection. As early as 1986 the American pathologist Allan MacDonald reported the discovery of Lyme spirochetes in all brains from patients who had died from Alzheimer’s. These results were confirmed in a 2011 paper published in the Journal of Neuroinflammation by Miklossy, Bransfield, Harris et all who found a positive Western Blot test for Lyme in most children diagnosed with autism.

O Johannson from the Karolinska Institute (Nobel Prize) observed a connection between EMF exposure and Alzheimer’s.  The microbes which live within us should be healthy but they mutate to a pathogenic form in the presence of electromagnetic radiation as they are even more sensitive to radiation than our cells (M Ruggiero). Stephanie Seneff, the world authority on glyphosate, has reported the same phenomena for environmental toxins. Glyphosate is found in non-organic foods and not only damages the gut microbiome, and kills melatonin producing bacteria, but it also acts as an aluminium transporter whilst binding up minerals making them non-absorbable.

So, today we are faced with the perfect conditions for neurological illness – nutritional deficiencies, the growth of pathogens, radiation, inflammation and depressed immunity.

There was some interesting research on toxicity and the brain published recently in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. which looked at nanoparticles of aluminium, strontium, barium and other particulates from exhaust fumes in the air we breathe. The article states that air pollution particles at levels high enough to cause brain damage have been found in the brains of children as young as 3 years old who live in cities.  To quote from the article:

The problem of having combustion-derived nanoparticles in children’s brains – developing brains – is very serious. These particles are ubiquitous and present in high concentrations in children as young as 3 years old. The particles contain transition neurotoxic metals and they are certainly causing extensive brain damage in key organelles.”

As Jane Thurnell-Read, of Life-Work-Potential, says “this again points to the dreadful chemical experiment we are conducting….now the danger of these very small particules damaging important organs is becoming clearer…Scientists and the medical profession understand clearly the dangers…Sadly in most countries the political will to make the big necessary changes to reduce the chemical burden on everyone is just not there.”

Nano particles measure between 100 and 2,500 nanometers which makes them so small the body cannot remove them from tissues.  They get embedded in the lungs and brain tissue. In fact, so good are they at penetrating deep into the body, they are the target of much research into their role in improving drug delivery.

Researchers at the University of Montana, Universidad del Valle de Mexico, Instituto Nacional de Pediatria, Boise State and Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, heightens concerns over the long and short term impact of CDNPs (airborne iron-rich strongly magnetic combustion-derived nanoparticles) present in young urbanite’s brains. Using electron microscopy, abundant combustion nanoparticles were found in neurons, glial cells, choroid plexus and neurovascular units in the brains of Mexico City children, affecting mitochondrial function, insulin signalling and epigenetic changes among others. These children show key markers of Alzheimer’s disease including the formation of amyloid plaques, inflammation, immune disruption and the presence of heavy metals produced by combustion. Although outwardly healthy (Alzheimer’s takes over four decades to develop – a diagnosis only being made when significant areas of the brain have been destroyed), many children toay are sitting on a ticking time bomb.  Researchers have also found dysregulation of feeding hormones – which can cause eating disorders, deficiencies in attention and short and long-term memory and reduced IQ scores.  Aggressive and anti-social behaviours are also associated with neurotoxicity and hair mineral analysis of violent criminals has identified heavy metal contamination in every one studied. Nanoparticles are able to cross all barriers, including the blood brain barrier, and are difficult to remove.

The authors of the report concluded that highly oxidative, combustion nanoparticles –found in Alzheimer’s disease – constitute a serious public health issue, with grave social and economic consequences for the future.

Although you may not live in a city as polluted as Mexico City, you are nevertheless inhaling toxic nanoparticles which will be accumulating in your body.  Whilst the children in Mexico City are likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s comparatively early in life, it takes a longer period of time to develop in those of us living in less polluted areas.  Alzheimer’s is not a disease of old age.  It is a disease of neurotoxicity, and the higher the level of toxin exposure, the earlier the onset.

If you factor in the use of mobile phones, which lock toxins in the brain and, like toxic nanoparticles, also cause inflammation and free radical damage, you have a lethal neurotoxic cocktail.  Early signs that you may be neurotoxic include failing memory, poor concentration, behavioural changes, difficulty sleeping, depression and anxiety – symptoms which are becoming increasingly common today.

I believe forewarned is forearmed. You don’t need to be one of the statistics. You can protect yourself by eating an organic diet which includes binders such as spirulina, chlorella and zeolite, and EMF protection is available here.