Salt baths can help eliminate toxins through the skin and boost mineral levels.  Epsom Salts are great for anyone with toxicity issues as they provide magnesium and sulphate.  Dead Sea Salts are choc full of minerals and can soothe skin problems and joint pain.

Dead Sea Salts 1kg

Dead Sea Salts 5kg

Dead Sea Salts 10kg

Dead Sea Salts 25kg

Sodium Bicarb 2kg

Sodium Bicarb 5kg

Sodium Bicarb 25kg

The Ki Science Advanced Hydrogen Detox Spa recommended by Dr Klinghardt’


Activation Salt

Shower Filter

Shower Filter

Shower Filter

Chi Ionic Foot Spa with Far Infrared Belt and Bowl

Set of 4 Arrays for Chi Ionic Foot Spa

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