How to use your Mobile safely


Using a mobile phone has the same effect on brain cells as sticking your head in a microwave oven, heating the cytosol (fluid) in brain cells and causing free radical damage.  In other words, it cooks the brain.  Mobile phones are thought to increase the risk of brain tumours which tend to occur on the side of the head to which the phone is held. Mobile phone manufacturers recommend not holding the phone close to your body! But all you need is the right protection (see below).


The Environmental Health Trust reported “Experimental research shows chronic exposure to wireless reduces brain cells and causes brain cell death in the memory and learning centres of the brain. Cell phone activity has been shown to alter brain activity in humans…”  “…just 50 minutes of a wireless transmitting device (cell phone) next to the brain increases glucose in the part most exposed…”  Flooding the brain with glucose can over time lead to the brain cells becoming insulin resistant, characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease which is sometimes referred to a Type 3 diabetes.


EMFs and Headaches

Red blood cells are normally repelled by their electrical charges, but loss of polarity from EMF exposure, causes them to clump together.  This not only reduces oxygen and nutrient delivery to brain cells, but also causes band-like headaches and low mental energy.


EMFs and Children

Children’s skulls are thinner than adults’ so their brains are more affected by radiation. When a baby is born, the brain is not fully developed.  But as the child learns, connections between brain cells are formed.  This is called arborisation – from the Latin word for tree. A network, not dissimilar to branches on trees, grows over the first few years of life – as we learn to walk and talk and so on – and this is how we learn new skills.  For example, learning to drive can be a slow process at first, but once the connections have been made, the brain takes over and driving becomes automatic. EMFs cause a flood of calcium out of the cells into the extracellular matrix, and spurious signals (from calcium release) can result in random and senseless connections being made.  When this happens, it is more difficult to concentrate and behaviour may be affected.  Random firing of neurons can also cause anxiety and hyperactivity.  The first things I noticed when protecting myself against EMFs was that I no longer felt like a headless chicken, always overwhelmed and busy and unable to concentrate for any length of time.  Overwhelm was replaced by a feeling of peace.  I slept more deeply, and slowed down which Ironically enabled me to accomplish more.  I also felt more tired, as if my body wanted to catch-up on quality sleep.  We may dismiss our anxiety as being caused by external events such as work or money worries, but the fact is that is your baseline is already high, it only takes a small stressor to cause feelings of not being able to cope.  If, on the other hand, your baseline is low, you can take life’s challenges in your stride.


EMFS and Dementia

Radiation causes brain fog – the early symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s,  which actually start decades before diagnosis. In Korea, which was the first country to introduce the Smart phone, people in their twenties are now being diagnosed with ‘digital dementia’.


EMFs and neurological diseases

EMFs increase the risk of neurological diseases as they lock the blood brain barrier in an open position (leaky brain), allowing in toxins.  A toxic brain is an overstimulated brain with an inability to concentrate combined with frenetic activity – over-thinking, jumping from one subject to another with increased anxiety, insomnia and short term memory loss.  Over time this can lead to other neuro-developmental disorders. Hyperactivity and anxiety may also be due to activation of the glutamate receptors blocking release of calming brain chemicals such as GABA and serotonin.  Dopamine, the feel-good hormone that gives us motivation and drive, is initially over-produced, but over time, as levels drop, depression, anxiety and even OCD can set in.


How to use your mobile safely

You need an effective cover over the back of your phone.  Don’t use a cover that encases your phone as it will emit even more radiation as it has to work harder to find a signal.  Placing a Pong cover of the back of your phone and positioning the phone with the covered side against your body, directs the signals away from you.  Pong cases for iPhones are available from and for Samsungs from, which come from the US but delivery is quick.


Air tube earphones are inexpensive and enable you to use your phone without putting it against your head.  They are available from the link to Beneficial Environments on which can be accessed via