What is it and what can it do for you?


The science of natural fullerenes


Shungite is a mineral-rich black rock found in The Karelian area of Russia which has an usual ‘fullerene’ structure that helps it bind radiation and other toxins.

The need for protection against electromagnetic pollution is greater today than ever before. Smart technology, mobiles, wi-fi and scanners at airports exposure us to dangerously high levels, and research demonstrating harmful effects on the brain, cells and electrical signalling in the body is mounting.  Although EMF’s affect everyone, there is a lack of awareness of the health implications due to:-


  • a latency period of around 10 – 15 years in adults (shorter in children)
  • obfuscation by the industry
  • its ubiquitous nature – many people are unaware EMFs are affecting them until they remove or protect themselves from them.


The invention of fullerenes (a unique carbon structure) in 1985 for which the Nobel Prize for Chemistry was later awarded, preceded the discovery of natural fullerenes which were found in shungite rock in the Karelian area of Russia in 1992. This has provided a new direction in research into radiation protection and the purification of water. The research can be viewed by visiting Fullerenes have also been discovered in fulgurites in India and the USA, in some grades of activated carbon, around volcanoes and in space gases.  In 2011 researchers published the results of investigations into the atmosphere above the Mediterranean Sea in which fullerenes were detected in all 43 samples. (For more information about the chemical structure and science of fullerenes please see ‘The Science and Promise of Fullerene Water’ by Richard Alan Miller PhD published in Nexus Magazine Vol 22: No 1: Dec 2014 – January 2015.)


Some health benefits of Shungite


  • Increase in liver detoxification
  • Prevention and treatment of hangovers
  • Increase in blood flow to the liver
  • Protective effects on the liver, especially against alcohol
  • Protective effect on the brain against toxicity especially of alcohol
  • Cardio-protection – inhibiting myocardial intoxication and normalising muscle function
  • Removal of toxins from water without need for filtering (including fluoride and chlorine)
  • Boosting of mineral levels in water
  • Harmonisation of molecular structure of water making it more hydrating
  • Removal of positive ions from the atmosphere
  • Protection against radiation and EMF’s (see below)
  • Suppression of peroxidation and free radical oxidation, with 1000 times greater antioxidant activity of vitamins A or E (see below)
  • Normalisation of cellular metabolism and increase in the stability of the cells, including its genes
  • Increased enzyme activity in cells
  • Protection for cells against external influences like radiation and infection improving the regenerative ability of the body
  • Normalisation of nerve processes, influencing healthy balance of neurotransmitters and improved ability to cope with stress
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-histamine
  • Immune boosting
  • Decreasing allergic reactions.


Shungite and fullerenes have been found to have no toxic effects.



The National University Pharmacy in The Ukraine found a significant decrease in hepatitis, inflammation and liver cell deficiency in patients drinking fullerene water (water exposed to shungite).


Pre-clinical studies at the Grigoriev Institute for Medical Radiology at the national Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine tested the effect of radiation on rats.  One group were given shungite water for 15 days (5 days prior to exposure and 10 days after) whilst the control group were given ordinary water, of whom 63% survived.  In the group drinking fullerene water, the survival rate increased to 95% with a marked decrease in symptoms. (The long-term survival rates were not included in the paper.)


Unlike most antioxidants, fullerenes do not exert their antioxidant effects by donating an electron (which causes other antioxidants to become unstable).  They filter and restructure water, including the water in your body. According to research by Dr Rustrum Roy of Pennsylvania State University, they have been found to work in very small doses and for the effects to continue for months. Many diseases have been overcome with fullerene treatment.


Fullerene Structure

When water comes into contact with a fullerene it forms a nanotube similar to diamonds, graphite and other carbon based minerals (carbon in the form of charcoal has been used as a detoxifier for years). These cylindrical nanotubes have remarkable properties such as thermal conductivity and are used commercially in carbon-fibre products like car parts and golf clubs. In water this structure enables fullerenes to filter out toxins including heavy metals, chemicals and radioactive ions. This is why shungite has a neutralising effect on toxins and why it has been used in Russia as a water filtration/purification medium since the 1990’s (


It can also remove pathogenic bacteria, viruses, nitrates, copper, pesticides, volatile organic compounds, drugs and chlorine and fluorine compounds. In one experiment shungite water was contaminated with Streptococcus A and D.  After only half an hour in the shungite water the concentration of Strep D was decreased by a factor of 100 and group A by a factor of 900.  Shungite can neutralise a significant amount of toxins because its fullerene structure can hold a large amount of hydrogen.


Shungite Uses


How to prepare Shungite water

  • Remove any powder with your hands and add 100g per litre of water. If unfiltered, leave for 3 days before drinking.  If filtered this time will be shortened.  The shungite will also mineralise the water.
  • Due to the transfer of minerals from the shungite into the water, it is recommended that the pebbles be replaced after about 6 months depending on number of people in the household.
  • Shungite water can be used in compresses or for bathing to maintain elasticity of the skin, as the fullerenes speed up skin regeneration. It may be helpful for skin problems like acne and eczema.





Shungite – Protection, Healing and Detoxification by Regina Martino (Amazon and Kindle)


The Science and Promise of Fullerene Water by Richard Alan Miller PhD published in Nexus Magazine Vol 22: No 1: Dec 2014 – January 2015