Are Lyme Disease and Co-Infections Symptoms of Chronic Radiation Sickness?


Over the last 20 or so years there has been a rise in chronic infections, and autoimmune diseases have reached epidemic proportions.  Dr Klinghardt has noticed the rise in EMF exposure parallels the increase in chronic infections, especially Lyme – where there is depleted immunity alongside widespread inflammation.  This blog explains how EMFs may be behind chronic Lyme (not to be confused with acute, tick bite associated Lyme) infection.


Radiation causes both immune suppression and inflammation. Inflammation starts with allergies and may progress to autoimmunity. Meanwhile, the trigger-happy immune system misfires at the wrong targets, but is unable to protect against infection.


Radiation causes myelosuppression – reduced output of red and white blood cells from the bone marrow. White blood cells are immune cells, and acute radiation poisoning is associated with bacterial, viral and yeast infections.  (Wi-fi encourages the growth of mould in buildings too).  A low white blood count, particularly of neutrophils and thrombocytes, makes it difficult to protect against invaders.

It seems reasonable to assume that continued exposure to low levels of background radiation from wi-fi and mobiles would have the same effect. And we know that EMFs, like other toxins, accumulate in the body.  It is possible that the microbes themselves are not causing the breakdown in health, but are a symptom of immune insufficiency caused by chronic radiation poisoning. This means that simply targeting treatment at killing bugs, without protecting against EMFs and building-up the immune system, would result in recurrent re-infections once treatment had been discontinued.  And this seems to be what happens.  Sometimes, the infection may be gone, but there is still immune suppression and inflammation throughout the body.


What does Radiation do to the immune system?

EMFs penetrate the cells tricking the immune system into thinking they are infected with a virus.  This may be partly why co-infections are frequently found alongside Lyme. Dr Klinghardt claims that as little as seven minutes’ mobile phone radiation can activate dormant Epstein Barr virus (associated with glandular fever). In chronic Lyme there is lowered immune status with decreased interleukins 10, 1 and 6, reduced antibody production and lowered levels of CD56 cells.  A depressed immune system cannot produce antibodies – the reason blood tests looking for antibodies against Borrelia usually come back negative.


In addition to lowered levels of white blood cells, radiation also causes shrinking of the thymus gland.  The thymus gland is the master gland of the immune system, maturing the white blood cells first produced in the bone marrow.  Shrinking of the lymph nodes and spleen also occur after radiation exposure with reduced NK (Natural Killer) cell counts. Macrophages are a specialised type of blood cell which destroys invaders by engulfing them. This is called phagocytosis, and it is decreased in chronic infections.  Macrophages need to be activated by vitamin D (which is one of the reasons it is good to take vitamin D if you have an infection). In order to survive, bugs need to disable the host immune system. They do this by producing an enzyme called nagalase, which can be measured by a blood test.  Nagalase acts like a cuckoo in the nest, blocking uptake of vitamin D. This inactivates the macrophages further depleting the immune system.


Radiation also reduces output of red blood cells from the bone marrow.  This not only lowers platelets (needed for clotting) but may also cause iron deficiency anaemia.  In acute radiation poisoning, there is bleeding from orifices but it is likely that lower levels of radiation from EMFs would result in easy bruising.  Iron needs to be bound to red blood cells so it can be transported round the body.  If iron is unbound, it can provide a food source for infecting microbes, which are dependent upon iron for survival.   This is why supplementing with lactoferrin (also found in breast milk) has an antibiotic effect, as it starves infecting microbes of iron.  Iron deficiency anaemia is found in significant numbers of Lyme patients with fewer – around 25% – having haemochromotosis which is the inability to bind iron resulting  in a build-up of unbound iron in the blood.


Protect against EMFs before treating infections

One of the first things people notice when protecting against EMFs is improved sleep. EMFs block alpha and delta brain waves, making sleep lighter.  But it is during deep restorative sleep that the body repairs itself.  Once the bombardment of radiation stops, the immune system starts to re-balance, the electrical systems and cell charges return to normal, inflammation calms down and cells start to produce more energy.  The most effective ways of protecting against EMFs are to switch from wireless to wired technology, replace cordless with corded phones and to clean up dirty electricity.  For help with this please contact Guy at Beneficial Environments.  But not only do you have to improve your own EMF hygiene, you also have to protect yourself against other peoples’ emissions. The Blushields are now back in stock and come with a 30 day money back guarantee.  In my next blog I will explain how Blushields work.  If you are interested in finding out more please email me at: