Electrical effects of Electromagnetic radiation


Our bodies are a ‘hairy bag of salty water’.  Ninety-five percent water, we need mineral salts to maintain the correct electrical charges and normal acid-alkaline balance. The correct electrical charges enable cells to draw in nutrients and release wastes, and for minerals to be absorbed.  It is the electrical charge of the gut wall that traps minerals, and holds them until they can be taken into the body.  Without this, the minerals would simply be lost in the stool.


Having the correct electrical charges is known as polarity or ionisation.  Constant bombardment with electromagnetic radiation causes loss of polarity throughout the body, and is common in chronic health problems. Unless restored, it is almost impossible to get well.


Electricity and EMFs are high in positive ions whereas the natural environment is high in negative ions.  Living in an urban (electrified) environment disrupts our own electrical charges. Once we lose polarity, we cannot hold on to water (or minerals) and we become dehydrated, and the cells lose calcium into the interstitial space.  EMFs generate small voltages across cell membranes causing calcium leakage, and minerals normally kept separate become mixed up. Loss of calcium is important because, rather like mortar holding a brick wall together, calcium ions hold the cell membranes together, without which we get leaky cells.


Not only do we need our minerals, but we need them to be kept in the right ratios to one another so they are available to make connective tissues such as muscles, bones and joints. Connective tissue disorders are often found in environmental illnesses.  Weak connective tissue can cause hypermobile joints, weak heart valves, hiatus hernia, osteopenia (low minerals in bone which can lead to osteoporosis), and saggy skin. Weak connective tissue is also linked to interstitial cystitis and leaky gut.


Tap water not only contains EMFs but is high in positive ions from the processing plants. Together with toxic metals and other chemicals, the shape of the water molecules is altered, making it difficult for them to get into the cells and to hydrate the body.  Chemicals can be removed by filtering, but the molecular structure also needs correcting.  This can be achieved by adding quartz crystals, or by spiralling the water through a vortex.  Spring water is naturally high in negative ions making it more hydrating.[1]  One of the first signs of lost ionisation may be constipation, as the body steals water from the stool. Loss of tolerance to supplements and foods, and increased sensitivity to toxins and chemicals often follows loss of polarity.


Our circulation is also affected by EMFs. Red blood cells are repelled by their electrical charges which enables them to move freely along the blood vessels.  But if they lose polarity, they clump together. This is known as rouleaux. And when this happens, they can’t get through the narrow capillaries causing cold hands and feet, headaches, brain fog and sluggish organ function – familiar to many today.


EMFs also interfere with the heart rate which is controlled by an electrical signal from the brain.


You don’t need to stop using technology, but you do need to use it safely.



[1] See handout on ‘Water’ and www.medicineofthefuture.co.uk/blogs  and www.medicineofthefuture.co.uk/waterfilters and handout on Water.