I am sure you will be as surprised as I was to learn that the dramatic increase in diseases of civilisation coincided with the introduction of electricity[1].  At the time, fearing a negative effect on the body’s electrical systems, electrification was vehemently opposed by doctors.  Countless US studies record a rapid decline in health following electrification with telegraph line installers and switchboard operators being the first affected.


Why am I blogging about this?  Well, the widespread use of electromagnetic radiation from wi-fi, mobiles etc., has ramped (!) up our exposure way beyond levels known to interfere with body function, and not just at the electrical level.


Whilst the industrialisation of our food supply and environmental pollution have undoubtedly contributed to the increase in degenerative diseases, despite the body of epidemiological studies demonstrating a clear correlation, the impact of electrification seems to have been largely overlooked. Electrical and radiological pollution is so taken for granted, so much part of our lives, we don’t even think of it as a potential health hazard. And nowadays, it is impossible to carry out double-blind studies because there is no one who is not contaminated to form a control.


Our water supplies come through electrical plants picking up EMF radiation in the process. This is the reason filtering is not enough. Our power supplies are contaminated with radio frequencies. To save energy, transformers ‘chop up’ the AC voltages so rather than a smooth current, we are constantly ‘machine-gunned’ with bursts of electricity[2].


Knowing that sufferers of Lyme disease are also EMF sensitive, and that the epidemic of Lyme coincides with the rise in EMF exposure, I started to wonder if radiation may actually be causative.  Could the introduction of wireless radiation over the last 20 years or so have been too much for immune systems already weakened by processed foods, pollution, antibiotics and vaccines?  And what did I find when looking into the effects of radiation on the body?  That is what these blogs are all about.


But first I want to reassure you. I believe that forewarned is forearmed. I am not suggesting you go off-grid, and I am sure that in future power will be generated in healthier ways (the technology to do this already exists), but in the meantime, there are simple measures you can put in place to clean-up the power supply in your home and to protect yourself against EMFs. And if you suffer from chronic infections, suppressed immunity, autoimmune disease and so on, unless you do this, it is unlikely you will recover your health.  Focusing on killing bugs is to miss the target.


In the preface to the book Dirty Electricity, Dr Milham writes:


“Since 1900, there has been a gradual increase in mortality rates of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and suicide, the so-called diseases of civilisation. This is in sharp contrast to the gradual decline in the death rate from all causes…”  He goes on to say that “When Thomas Eddison began wiring New York City with a direct current (DC) electricity distribution system in the 1880s, he….inadvertently opened a Pandora’s Box of unimaginable illness and death.”


In my next blogs you can read about how radiation affects the body, the links with chronic health problems and how you can regain your health.


[1] This is not the only challenge to health.  Food production has been industrialised, there has been mass vaccination, widespread use of antibiotics and environmental pollution.

[2] For more information about electrification and dirty electricity and their effect on health  please read ‘Light that Heals’